Thursday 19 March 2015

The armed forces are facing an shortage of over 11,000 officers

New Delhi: The armed forces are facing an overall
shortage of over 11,000 officers with the Army
facing the maximum shortfall, the Rajya Sabha
was informed on Tuesday.
In a written reply, Defence Minister Manohar
Parikkar said Army is facing shortage of 9,642 as
on January 1. He said the increase in shortage is
due to increase in authorised strength.
Similarly, Navy is facing shortage of 1,322
officers and the Air Force 152 as on January 1.
The total comes to 11,116. He clarified that the
figures do not include shortage in medical and
dental branches.
He said the government has taken various steps
to make jobs in Armed Forces attractive. These
include implementation of the recommendations
of the 6th Pay Commission with improved pay
structure, additional accommodation through
married accommodation project and improvement
in promotion prospects.

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