Monday 23 March 2015

US troops shown as Indian Army soldiers on Martyrs Day hoardings across Chandigarh!

Chandigarh: On a day which was meant to
remember and salute the sacrifice made by
India's three great sons on the solemn occasion
of Martyr's Day, the Chandigarh Municipal
Corporation ended up committing an
embarrassing goof-up.
In a major blunder, the civic body of Chandigarh
authorised the putting up of such Martyr's Day
hoardings across the town, which had the
photographs of three US soldiers instead of
Indian Army men, reports said.
March 23 is marked as the Martyr's Day to
honour the sacrifice of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and
Sukhdev who were hanged to death on this very
day in 1931.
The horadings were put up to let the citizens
know about the events to be held for the
commemoration of the martyrdom day, that
would include a wreath-laying ceremony and
honouring the war widows.
The poster reads, “Municipal Corporation Saluted
the Martyrs of the Nation” and below it is a
photograph of three US soldiers, reportedly edited
to hide the US flags tucked on their uniforms.
The major faux pas comes even as PM Narendra
Modi is set to visit Hussainiwala in Punjab to pay
homage to the three freedom fighters who were
martyred on this very day in 1931.

Friday 20 March 2015

Physical Test Constrains Indian Army Recruitment Rally

Physical Test Constrains Indian Army Recruitment Rally

The participants are needed to be well
prepared before participating in the Indian Army
Recruitment Rally 2015. The following
conditions are required to be noticed

1. Height Constraints:-
The height
constraint is one of the most important
factor in the Physical Test. The tallest
will be considered first.The Height
criteria explanation may be as under
For Clerical Trades-Minimum 162 cm
Heights will be considered
General Duty Soldier Trades-Minimum
166 cm Heights considered.
But Actually, the candidates satisfying the
above heights need not be selected as in the
absence of 180,175 or 170 cm heights, only
candidates with 166 cm heights will be
selected.In the presence of the candidates
with 180,170,etc weights candidates with 166
CMs will be neglected.

2. Running constrains; -
While running, keep
running by stressing the frontier of the feet
.The candidate should run by relaxing the
entire body as far as possible. Run keeping
your moth closed,looking ahead, keeping head
up a little and hands keeping flying.Many
candidates are running keeping mouth opened
which make them tired soon and will reduce
speed of running

3 pull Ups:
After the Runing physical Test ,
there will be Pull ups.Pull ups are taken by
pulling your body wholly on the vertical iron
pipes or Wooden bars. The marking for pull ups
are determined as per number of pull ups
within the time given The standards may
For 10 Pull Ups- 40 Marks
For 9 Pull Ups-33 marks
8 Pull Ups-27 Marks
7 Pull Ups-21 Marks
6 Pull ups-16 Marks

4. Jumping 9 feet and Balance
Walk. :This is important steps in most of
the Army Recruitment Rally.some Rallies
exclude this portion.
These are the 4 steps in the Physical test for
Army Recruitment Rally. candidates with
Accurate Practice, patience and Discipline can
achieve more in the Physical test of Army
Recruitment Rally. It is simple to run across 1
Mile within 5.4 Minutes. So don’t
underestimate the tests.But you can achieve
the heights by regular practice and disciplined

Indian Army Ranks

Great Indian Army

Making of a Soldier

Military Exercises- Indian Army

BSF- Crocodile Commandos

Jai Jawan

Militants in Jammu and Kashmir launched a second attack on security forces

Jammu: Militants in Jammu and Kashmir
launched a second attack on security forces in as
many days, targeting an Army camp in Samba
district early on Saturday.
Here are the live
updates :
Security of the Mata Vaishno Delhi yatra has
also been tightened in view of the twin attacks
in Jammu region.
Schools and colleges have been ordered shut in
the Samba sector.
Militants in Jammu and Kashmir launched a
second attack on security forces in as many
days, targeting an Army camp in Samba
district early on Saturday.
Police said militants early this morning attacked
the Mesar camp of 82 armoured regiment in
Samba district, on Jammu-Pathankot Highway,
using grenades and automatic gunfire.
Entire area has been cordoned off by the Army
and police and firing exchanges are going on,
officials said.
Jammu-Pathankot Highway has been closed for
vehicular traffic as a precautionary measure, they
Police believe at least two militants are involved
in the attack.
Reinforcements have also been rushed to the
Army camp as the gunbattle is on.
Just yesterday, six people including two militants
were killed in a similar attack on the Rajbagh
police station in Kathua district.
Intelligence reports had indicated that four
militants were involved in Friday's attack, but
only two had been killed.
Intelligence sources said that they believe the
Saturday's attack is being carried out by the two
guerrillas who survived in yesterday's attack after
escaping from the spot.
The Mesar camp houses 82 armoured regiment
which comes under the command of Army's 9th
Corps that is headquartered in Yule Camp
(Dharmshala) in Himachal Pradesh.
The Mesar camp was also attacked on
September 26, 2013 by militants after they had
attacked the Hiranagar police station in Kathua
district. Twelve people had been killed in that
Today's militant attack came on the morning of
the start of the nine-day Navratri festival, and on
a day when Muslims are celebrating Nowruz, or
the Persian new year, in the state.
(With Agency inputs)

Thursday 19 March 2015


Indian Military Academy Training

IMA Training
It’s 7:30 in the morning. The Indian Military
Academy (IMA) campus is abuzz with activity, as
it has been since 4:00am, when the Gentleman
Cadets (GCs) begin their day. The second you
enter the gates, 8:00am becomes 0800 hrs and
everything moves according to schedule. It
should, because in battle you can’t control the
situation, but you can control your moves. This is
a glimpse of what it takes to make regular guys—
who’re not fit and may have their own fears and
hang-ups— into fighting champions.
Every day, not only do the GCs get tougher, faster
and more efficient but discover who they are and
what they can become. “At the IMA, GCs undergo
a scientifi -cally-evolved, structured training
programme. The focus is on developing the
necessary physical and mental attributes to
operate effectively and lead in an intense
battlefield environment,” says Lt Gen RS Sujlana,
the commandant of the Academy and a decorated
soldier. The signs of this readiness are
everywhere. Even on a dull day, most GCs are
busy—with training, playing sports or undergoing
fatigues, meted out for the smallest of errors. The
reason: You need to be physically and mentally
alert at all times.
“Discipline is the bedrock of not only every officer
of the Indian Army but of any progressive society.
And imbibing self-discipline to follow the rules
without supervision is the fountainhead of this
facet. Corrective punishments are part of the
system and these only work to strengthen a GC’s
commitment so that he conforms to it forever,”
says Lt Gen Sujlana.
Once you see the GCs go through the trenches,
obstacles and halls of the Academy, it becomes
evident that if any man can incorporate even the
rudimentary concepts of Army fitness, he will not
only be physically fit for life, he will also learn to
think better, stay happier and live longer.
Think overall fitness, not just show muscles
The physical conditioning strategy of the IMA
comprises physical training, drills, sports,
equitation and swimming. But this is progressive,
with a gradual increase in the stress and strain.
The idea is to challenge the GCs to meet the
mark and then excel. The outcome is simple:
Fight to win. “In battle, there are no runners up.
Each GC is empowered by way of requisite
physical capabilities, mental robustness, control
of emotions such as pain, hunger, fatigue and
fear and, more signifi cantly, leadership traits—
wherein lie higher values of selflessness, sacrifice,
dignity and death over dishonour. These enable a
soldier to take a decision in complex situations,”
says Col C Correya, a senior officer at the
Academy in charge of training (or TRG, as the
Army puts it). The GCs undergo physical training
for 40 minutes in the morning, followed by 40
minutes of swimming. The same schedule is
repeated in the evening.
This serves to improve their motor qualities and
builds speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and
agility. To boost strength, for instance, the GCs
have to perform the maximum reps of chestups
and chinups they can in a minute, and for
endurance, they have to complete 5km runs,
30km speed marches, and 2.4km walks. In
addition, they also undergo advanced training,
which includes endurance marches with combat
load (which is about 24kg, including the rifle),
immediate action drills for complex combat
situations, life-saving techniques, field craft and
battle craft. Where this becomes extremely
important is combating the body’s instinctive
“flight” syndrome and switch to the “fight”
syndrome. By training the GCs to react quickly
and have the physical power to deliver the action,
they learn to run towards danger, not away from

360-degree training

“Fight” is the idea behind the obstacles training
course. The focus is to ensure that the GCs work
as a team. Even if one member of the team falls
behind, the entire team can come crashing down.
In some obstacles, this is literally true. A circuit
of 16 brutal moves—from trench crawls to beam
walks, and from concrete scaling to rope swings—
it takes an elite level of fitness to complete. “This
tunes the GCs’ bodies to absorb the shock of a
fall or jump. A man can be fit but the joints and
spine have to be tuned to handle the stress. The
circuit is designed to enhance endurance,” says
Capt K Bhatia, an instructor who conducts the
Failure is not an option and “more than the
instructor, it is the peers who will shout if a GC
fails. And group pressure only makes you better,”
adds Capt Bhatia. If you miss, you try again. And
again. Till you get it right.
The 18-month course at the Academy is like a
reinforcement fortress—the GCs are put in an
environment that breaks them down and then
rebuilds them from the ground up, stronger, better
and more efficient. The prime criteria: Sharpening
the OODA cycle (observe-orient-decision-action)
and learning to live off the land. “This translates
into combat skills such as identifi cation of
threat, initiating appropriate and timely response,
and resilience,” says Col A Joshi, a senior General
Staff offi cer who coordinates the IMA’s activities.
This is basic military training at its best. The
obvious question: Why incorporate things like
sports into the training, given it is already
intensely physical? “Sport forms an important
part of the GC’s training. It teaches you
coordination and strategy,” says Col B Singh,
who’s in charge of the physical training section.
And horse-riding? Part of it is mental
conditioning— this is the only way to understand
the relationship between man and beast. “It is
primarily about how to control something that
has its own mind. You can run a machine the
way you want, because you have the controls in
your hand. An animal is completely different. You
need to adapt and improvise to control something
that has allowed you to guide it,” says Lt Col MK
Dewan, in charge of the equitation section.
The IMA routine
Follow this programme to blast fat and get
The focus is not on boosting size, but on making
you stronger and more agile, says Sub Maj BB
Thapa, a physical training instructor at the IMA.
Follow this routine twice a week (say on Tuesday
and Friday). Between each move, try to rest for
not more than 60 seconds and not more than
three minutes between the two parts. Repeat this
circuit two times.
Warm-up (brisk walk for fi ve minutes, breaking
into a short sprint, for a total of 100m)
Stretching (stand with your feet together and try
to touch your toes, but don't stress your back)
Chinups (as many as you can in one minute)
Full situps (the maximum reps you can do in one
Pushups (at least 14 but as many as you can in
one minute)
Short sprint (about 100m)
Chest-touches (as many as you can do in one
Toe touches (grab an overhead bar with arms a
little more that shoulder width apart. Keeping
your feet together, pull your legs up to your chest
and then rotate your body and try to touch the
bar with your toes. Keep your head is in line with
your shoulders throughout the move)
Stretching (stand with your feet together, clasp
your hands together, raise them as high as you
can and then rise on your toes. Hold for a count
of 10)
Brisk walk (about 100m)
Forward rolls (Use a gym mat to perform as
many as you can in one minute)
Squats without any weight (as may as you can in
one minute)
Back rolls (this is tricky, so instead do this: Lie
on your stomach, feet together and arms bent
alongside your chest. Rise up as you straighten
your arms-.your torso should be at a 45-degree
angle to the floor.)
Stair climbing (do this for two minutes and use
the balls of your feet to rise and step)
Cool-down (do a full-body stretch and hold for a
count of 10)
Master the moves, avoid injury
For a GC, hitting the gym is not enough. “Weight
training boosts your cardiovascular endurance
and muscular strength, but it does almost
nothing for your refl exes. It is more important to
improve the number of reps every session of the
body-weight exercises such as pushups, chinups
and chest-touches,” says Sub Maj BB Thapa, a
senior instructor who works closely with GCs and
is a stickler for good form.
When a GC hits the weight rack, he’s advised to
stretch for 10 minutes, and alternate days for
upper and lower body moves. And each GC is
taught to measure his fitness based on the max
reps he can perform in 30 sec and 10 sec. It’s
not just dry instruction.
The Academy’s instructors work with the GCs
constantly, and use demonstrations and lucid
explanation to minimise injury. While cuts and
bruises are part of the package, the trainers
ensure there’s no room for slack—that only
invites more physical work. It is this
determination that turns dead sinkers into
swimmers—the fundamentals of staying afloat,
breast stroke and free style are taught, but you’re
given only weeks to get over any fear you have.
“That’s what we train for. Either you win or you
are a nobody,” says Vishal Dahiya, a
recentlycommissioned GC who was awarded best
in the Class of 2009 for endurance and physical
toughness (to do that, he completed the 30km
speed march in 21 min 52 sec and can ace 22
chinups at a go).
A thumb rule is that Sundays are days of
complete rest. It’s needed, because battle drills—
performed every day—tend to challenge you
mentally more than physically. “They are
performed in the face of dynamic combat
situations. Focused observation by cutting out
environmental clutter and seeking engagement as
opposed to merely reacting are intensive. So are
drills in full combat kit,” says Lt Gen Sujlana.
The GCs are also trained to enhance their
situational awareness and develop intuition to act
appropriately— all mental exercises that test your
attentiveness and foresight. “The Academy forces
you to polish all your skills. It’s not training, it’s
development,” says SP Deshpande, a
commissioned GC who won the best in class in
Physical Training and learnt new moves at the
Build on the foundation
“There are only three things you need to take
care of-—discipline, what you eat and what you
think. Take care of these and everything else will
take care of itself,” says Col BB Sidhu, a senior
officer at the Academy. These three tenets help
you get through activities as diverse as weapons
training (high decibel noise that rattles the
senses), rock-climbing (terrain knowledge), and
aerodynamics science through para-motoring that
takes you up to 8,000 ft (to study the wind and
pinpoint location).
“After the IMA, soldiers undergo on-the-job
training with field combat units,” says Lt Gen
Sujlana. The good part is that this training and
fitness format can be used by everyone, including
you. Whether you’re fighting a battle at the office
or for your dignity, these rules will make you a
Live (and work) like a soldier
The Academy’s training can (and should) be used
by any man who wants a fit body and mind.
Think yourself happy
“The IMA instils a sense of responsibility in every
GC. When you know how to approach a problem,
being positive gets into your blood. After that, you
become ready because the environment drives
you to,” says Col B Singh.
Your takeaway
When you’re upset or angry that something
hasn’t worked out, train your body. This releases
feel-good hormones that up positive thoughts.
Then think about what you did right. Oh, and do it
over till you ace it.
Learn to put your mates before yourself
“There is an emphasis on the buddy system at
the Academy,” says Lt Gen RS Sujlana. Each GC
is part of the team that must win. It has more to
do with teambuilding. “At the end of the day, it’s
all about cooperation,” says 29-year-old Capt K
Bhatia. This makes victory better, but also lets
you deal with loss.
Your takeaway
In a high stress situation, stick with your friends,
family, colleagues. Not only will all of you emerge
stronger, you can rely on them when you are
Don’t look at fear as a block
“It’s human to fear. But to overcome that fear is
to become a man,” says Lt Col MK Dewan. How
do the GCs do it? They are put in simulated battle
conditions where the dangers are real, but so is
the instruction. “The GCs are trained to enhance
their situational awareness and develop intuition
to act appropriately,” says Col C Correya.
Your takeaway
It’s okay to fear, as long as you let that spur you
to move. If you’re afraid of the water, wear a tube
and waddle. If you’re afraid of dogs, try to first
feed a dog a biscuit.
Think, then act
“There is no short cut to be tough enough to
meet the vigours of any profession. But
harmonious development, systematic progression
and continuity, combined with an appropriate diet,
self discipline, regulated lifestyle, healthy
recreation and a good environment are the most
effective ways to become tough,” says Lt Gen
Your takeaway
Think a problem is too big? Well, break it down
into smaller parts and attack each with one
thought—to finish the damn thing! The benefit is
that you will stay in the present and move
forward, instead of being rooted in thought.
Keep the faith
“The focus is on honing the natural skills of an
individual. This enables him to see and act in a
proactive manner in the most dangerous of
situations. Plus, corrective exercises to improve
upon the inherent weaknesses makes them
mentally and physically strong and confident,”
says Col A Joshi.
Your takeaway
You are much stronger than you give yourself
credit for. Embrace that fact and supplement your
life with fitness and knowledge (in your
relationships, in the office, at the gym) to see
results you’ve always wanted. Think you can, and
you will.
Follow through on your word
“The Honour Code commands GCs to adhere to
the value system of integrity, loyalty and moral
courage. And violators of the Code are punished
based on the GC’s own committee,” says Lt Gen
Sujlana. The benefit of this is that you learn to do
your part and do it to the best of your ability.
“Whether or not you’re as good as anyone else,
you’re as good as you can be. And that gives you
the confidence to finish your task and then help
others,” says Maj RS Bisht.
Your takeaway
Evolve your own yardstick of work to do and work
done. If you must compare, do it after the task is
completed and you have time to improve. Plus,
look at finishing first as a benefit— you can learn
from others while you help them

Indian army

Pakistan Rangers violated the ceasefire in Samba district

Jammu: Pakistan Rangers overnight violated the
ceasefire in Samba district of Jammu region,
resorting to unprovoked firing at a Border
Security Force (BSF) picket.
A senior police officer told a news agency in
winter capital Jammu on Saturday that "Pakistan
Rangers fired three rounds of automatic gunfire
at the BSF border outpost from their Hussain
border outpost in Ramgarh sector of Samba
district overnight."
"The incident occurred at 10.08 pm on Friday.
The BSF did not retaliate".
The BSF guards the international border while the
Army guards the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir.

The armed forces are facing an shortage of over 11,000 officers

New Delhi: The armed forces are facing an overall
shortage of over 11,000 officers with the Army
facing the maximum shortfall, the Rajya Sabha
was informed on Tuesday.
In a written reply, Defence Minister Manohar
Parikkar said Army is facing shortage of 9,642 as
on January 1. He said the increase in shortage is
due to increase in authorised strength.
Similarly, Navy is facing shortage of 1,322
officers and the Air Force 152 as on January 1.
The total comes to 11,116. He clarified that the
figures do not include shortage in medical and
dental branches.
He said the government has taken various steps
to make jobs in Armed Forces attractive. These
include implementation of the recommendations
of the 6th Pay Commission with improved pay
structure, additional accommodation through
married accommodation project and improvement
in promotion prospects.

Proud To Be An Indian

The land of Shiva and Krishna, the dream of the
Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi, the nursery of
temple and mosques is inside my country. She is
first and foremost in my thoughts. I love India, my
India, the biggest democracy and one of the
oldest civilsations of the world is the second
most populous country into the world, after chain.
Indians are courteous people. My country has
produced warrior like Puru, Ran Pratap and Shivaji
and leasers like Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma
Gandhi and Sardar Patel and freedom fighters like
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Bagat Singh and
Lala Lajpet Ray.
In the fields of literature and science my country
has produced eminent person like Rabindranath
Tagore, Premchand, Sara Chandra, C.V. Raman,
Jagadish Chandra Bose and Dr Abdul Kalama.
Such great names make me proud of my country.
My country is a land of villages and fields laden
with corps. I am proud of her village’s from where
the Indians civilization has blossomed forth. Most
of the great leaders of our country came from the
villages. Our fields are fed by the mighty rivers
like the Ganges, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Godavari,
Narmada, Krishna and Kavery. The Gangetic
Valley is the most fertile regions of our land.
The oceans that wash her coasts on three sides
and the mighty Himalayas that stand on the
north have given my country natural frontiers
from sides. Again, the lure of the mountains has
attracted many adventures to this land of rich
Ours is a secular state. In her lap breathe the
happy followers of the various religions of the
world. We have a unique culture which has
devolved through the centuries. There is much
diversity among our people. We speak many
languages, worship many gods and yet we have
the same spirit, the spirit of India, running
through all parts of our country binding us
together. We have great unity in diversity.
My country, because of the many beautiful
locations, is the craze of tourists. The Taj Mahal,
Fatehpur Sikri, The Qutb and The Red Fort are
few for the many wonders which attract human
curiosity. Kashmir has been described as a
paradise on earth. My country, the country of
mountains, valleys, rivers and lakes is a fit abode
for the gods, Ooty, Niligiris and the temples of
south India, as Kajuraho, Ajanta, and Ellora caves
are the places we can boost of.

Wednesday 18 March 2015


Jana Gana Mana

Jana Gana Mana written in Sanskritised Bengali is the first of five stanzas of a Brahmo hymn composed and scored by Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore.

It has a very interesting history. Some falsely believe that it is addressed to King George V and that it was written to welcome him during his India visit. Tagore actually wrote this song a long time before King George's visit.

It was first sung at the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress, on 27 December 1911. Jana Gana Mana was officially adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the Indian national anthem on January 24, 1950. Every independence day, the billion people of the republic of India join together in singing this beautifully composed anthem with its amazing music.

The Bengali lyrics are transliterated below.
Bengali transliteration
Janagaṇamana-adhināyaka jaya he Bhāratabhāgyavidhātā
Pañjāba Sindhu Gujarāṭa Marāṭhā Drāviḍa Utkala Baṅga
Vindhya Himācala Yamunā Gaṅgā Ucchalajaladhitaraṅga
Tava śubha nāme jāge, Tava śubha āśiṣa māge,
Gāhe tava jayagāthā
Janagaṇamaṅgaladāyaka jaya he Bhāratabhāgyavidhāta
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he, Jaya jaya jaya
a he.

English translation

you are the ruler of the minds of all people,
Dispenser of India's destiny.
 Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sindh ,
Gujarat and Maratha,
Of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal;
It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas,
mingles in the music of Yamuna and Ganges and is
chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea.
They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise.
The saving of all people waits in thy hand,
Thou dispenser of India's destiny.
victory forever.

India and France will hold a 10 day naval exercise ‘Varuna’ next month that will see the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle with naval version of Rafale aircraft in action.

India and France will hold a 10 day naval exercise ‘Varuna’ next month that will see the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle with naval version of Rafale aircraft in action.

The exercise to be held in the Western coast will begin on April 23 and continue till May 3. Defence sources said the French will also bring in two destroyers and one support ship, part of the Charles de Gaulle task force.

India will also deploy its aircraft carrier INS Vikrant along with other ships and aircraft.

The annually held Varuna naval exercise is an integral part of France?India strategic relationship and consists of naval cooperation drills between the French and the Indian Navy.

This year’s exercise will focus on theatre-level Indo-French military cooperation in aero-naval and anti-submarine warfare

Women In The Indian Armed Forces

Women in the Indian Armed Forces

(By-Sajita Nair)

In the modern world, there are no domains of work that women haven’t delved into. Words such as chairman and cameraman have been rephrased as chairperson and cameraperson, to accommodate women. Many a male dominated work place has crumbled under the power of the woman - her spirit and energy. The Indian Armed Forces, which for long was considered a male dominated workplace, now has confident, bold women, molding into every role and setting examples for everyone. Lieutenant General Puneeta Arora, a lady officer from the Army Medical Corps, heads the prestigious defense institution, the Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), in Pune. In the land of Razia Sultana and Rani of Jhansi, it comes as no surprise that women make their mark in the Armed Forces.

Indian Armed Forces

The Indian armed forces comprises of Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. The Coast Guard was set up as an Armed Force more recently in 1978. Due to their unique roles as protectors of the nation’s land, sea and airspace respectively, the nature of work in each service is different. Apart from their main roles of defending the country, they may also be required to perform tasks to ease civil administration during times of crisis. The Indian president is the supreme commander of the armed forces. In carrying out the primary role of defending the nation, the armed forces personnel are bound by certain rules that govern their conduct. But, they also enjoy certain privileges that their civilian counterparts do not have access to. Passion for adventure activities and sports can pay off, as one can represent the defense teams and even the country.

Bright, young and energetic men and women make up the bulk of manpower in the armed forces. Recruitment is voluntary, which implies that every citizen of India is eligible to be a part of it, provided he/she fulfils the specified criteria for selection. Caste, region or religion, do not come in the way of the selection process, thereby making it a heterogeneous work place. Personnel retire earlier than many other government sectors, to keep the armed forces team, young and dynamic. Manpower in each of the services is broadly divided into ‘Commissioned officers’, ‘JCO’s (Junior Commissioned Officers)’ and ‘Other Ranks’ based on their qualifications and seniority.
Entry of Women

The role of women in the armed forces for a long time, was limited to the medical profession i.e. doctors and nurses. In 1992, the doors were thrown open for women entry as regular officers in aviation, logistics, law, engineering and executive cadres. Thousands of spirited young women applied against advertisements and it was a turning point in the history of time. These women chose a new field where they had to painstakingly pave a path for the others to follow.

The initial adjustment problems weren’t as much for the women as it was for the men. Wrapped in their tradition of chivalry and respect to women, most gentlemen officers could not treat their female counterparts at par with themselves. Their subordinates too, were men who came from conservative families where they saw women playing only traditional roles. The emergence of these women into totally male dominated bastions did initially create embarrassing moments for both. Men hushed their talks and behaved courteously, while women had to do with makeshift arrangements to suit their needs within units. Over the years and having come a long way now, men have realized that these women in uniform are their efficient and able co-workers. The time is not far when we may use the term ‘sisters-in-arms’ as equivalent to ‘brothers-in-arms’.

Currently, women in the non-medical cadre, serve as Short Service Commissioned (SSC) officers. Under this type of commission, they can serve in the armed forces for a period ranging from 5-14 years. On release they can pursue a career in the civil sector. SSC officers are released with gratuity and can avail some benefits as ex-serviceperson, but they do not get pension. Women in the medical branch i.e. doctors and nurses can serve as Permanent Commissioned (PC) officers and are eligible for pension after retirement. They also have the option to serve as Short Service Commissioned officers.

Eligible women, who qualify various tests successfully, serve as Short Service Commissioned officers in the following branches of the Armed Forces.

ARMY: EME, Signals, Engineers, Army Education Corps, Army Ordnance Corps, Army Service Corps, Intelligence and Judge Advocate General’s branch.

NAVY: All branches of the Navy (except submariners and divers).

AIR FORCE: Flying (transport aircraft and helicopters), Technical and Administration branches.

COAST GUARD: All branches of the Coast Guard.

An Officer and a Lady 

In the modern day of electronic warfare, it’s more about overcoming stress in warfare than physical combat. It has been proven scientifically that women handle stress better and are also mentally tougher. This is not to undermine a woman’s physical capability. Women have done extremely well in physical training as well. In the first few batches at the armed forces training academies women displayed more endurance and some even outran their male counterparts in cross-country runs and long distance marches. They carry on this tradition and keep setting new records.

As commissioned officers at the age of 22-23 years, they may often have subordinates older than their parents. Hence, from day one, it is a challenge and leadership qualities are under test. The color of their crisp uniforms and the stars/stripes they adorn differentiate them from each other. Despite the good quality of life, they may sometimes undergo hardships due to the nature of work. An officer may have to work in tough terrains or difficult circumstances. Most women however, who undergo training as cadets in various military academies, cope up with various difficult situations, easily. Being a transferable job, transfers and movements are seen as unique travel opportunities to travel to remotest locations in the country. Every unit is a mini-India with people and cultures as diverse.

As most lady officers are married to gentlemen officers in the armed forces, as per government policies, they are transferred together. Women officers can also avail of maternity leave; furlough and annual leave in succession, to cater to pre and post-natal care. On retirement too, they enjoy medical facilities and coveted club memberships. They can afford to maintain the same quality of life due to the various benefits they can avail of. Their experience and qualities imbibed while in service make them much in demand in the private sector.

Although the path these women have chosen is tough, they have proved that they have the spirit, the courage and the will to carry on. Presently, women do not serve in combat arms nor do they fly fighter aircrafts, but it won’t be long before these forbidden avenues are thrown open to them.



1. Dear students, all of you have aspirations and dreams, of what your education will finally yield. If you are looking for a fat pay packet, a corporate job is the answer. But above and beyond this should be the question of what the job offer in totality. Let us see what attributes go into making an excellent career. The attributes that one expects from a satisfying profession are:-

(a) Professional Advancement

(b) Job Satisfaction

(c) Job Security

(d) Economic Stability

(e) Social Status

(f) Quality of Life

(g) Variety and Adventure

2. If these are what you too are looking forward to, then Army is the profession for you, as these in the Army, compare far more than favourably with any other service.

3. All of us are aware that, professions are competitive, in so far as promotions are concerned. Army is no different. However, as said earlier the competition in the Army is clean and devoid of any other factor but competence.

PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT4. The promotional avenues available to an Army officer are:-

(a) By Time Scale



Lieutenant Colonel

(b) By Selection



Major General

Lieutenant General



5. Lack of job satisfaction leads to tremendous frustration and results in job-hopping. Jobs in the civil world whether with the government or the corporate leave one with no alternate avenues if stuck with a frustrating portfolio or set up. On the contrary, the sheer variety, sense of purpose, responsibility and pride, negate any job dissatisfaction in the Army.


6. For an effective career, a long-term strategy is essential and this is possible only if continuity and job security is assured. The Army has been structured to ensure that its personnel work with unhindered dignity. Additionally, statutory rules and regulations exist to safeguard the interests of the servicemen adequately both while in service and after retirement.


7. The service also offers opportunity for courses and postings abroad. The India Army is renowned all over the world and interaction with foreign armies is extensive. Service with UN Forces provides exposure and travel opportunities across the globe.


8. Consequent to the Sixth Pay Commission salaries have shot up. While the pay and the allowances of an Army officer may superficially appear to be at par with other Central government services, and may be less than that offered by the corporate sector, the quality of life and non-inflationary nature of the perks, which the Army offers outshine the other services. Government job entitles you to many hidden perks, which you may NOT quantify while calculating remuneration. Apparently, there are about 61 types of facilities, benefits and allowances that are applicable to Army in general. In fact if one were to work out the remuneration of a service officer vis a vis a comparable job in the private sector, on the basis of ‘cost to company’ you would be astounded to find the returns of an Army man to be more if not the same. Some of these perks which are not quantified in terms of cash and are immune to inflation are as follows in case of a Lieutenant, which is the starting rank.

Ø STARTING PAY RS 15600/- to 39100/-PM




Ø TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE RS 1600/- PM to RS 3200 pm/-

Ø FIELD AREA ALLOWANCE RS 25% of Basic Pay RS6780/- pm


























The above are entitled as per service conditions and qualifications acquired. Cadets at the IMA, OTA, Cadet Training Wing at CME, MCME, and MCTE get a fixed stipend of RS 21000/- PM.










9. Training for preparing retiring/retired officers for their resettlement in civil life is one of the major functions entrusted to the DGR. The resettlement training courses provide nationally/internationally accepted certification to facilitate officers to get quick employment within/outside the country. In addition six months courses being conducted at reputed B Schools (IIMs - Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Bangalore, Indore, XLRI Jamshedpur, MDI Gurgaon, NMIMS Mumbai. These courses have received an overwhelming response from officers and resulted in good job placements in the corporate sector. Other courses are being conducted in multifarious fields like Information Technology, Security Services, Entrepreneurship Development, Business Administration, Personnel Management, Hotel Management, Tourism, Human Resources Development, Law, Insurance and many other short term courses on miscellaneous subjects. Constant endeavor is made to improve the quality of training by regular monitoring

10. If the above were to be worked out in tangible terms it would add up to an amount that no private firm would be either capable of, or willing to pay.


11. As an Indian Army officer at 21, you’d be looking at a lifestyle that one cannot imagine in any other profession, so early in life. What compromises “Quality of Life”? On one hand is a job with a thick pay packet but with the drudgery of 9AM to 9PM schedule, no avenues and time for extracurricular activities, no scope for adventure and excitement, no social status, lack of family life, threat of being terminated with a month’s salary, working in suffocating environment with no self respect and honour. On the other hand is a job which offers you challenge, adventure, excitement, honour, prestige, self respect, whole some family life, safety and security for the family and to top it all the love, respect and esteem of our great India. In the somewhat chaotic social and economic conditions that prevail in our country, Army life is an island of sanity and social order that is the envy of our countrymen. Quality of life is an important attribute of Army life, and has no parallel in any other service. Some of the intangibles, which go to make the quality of life in the Army, are:-

Ø Service of the motherland.

Ø A profession to be proud of

Ø Opportunity to travel and know the country and its people/culture/flora and fauna

Ø Opportunity to serve and represent the nation abroad

Ø A pure and noble profession

Ø Honour and social status

Ø No stagnation, a new challenge every day.

Ø Opportunity for growth

Ø Sports and adventure activity

Ø Messes, clubs and institutions facilities

Ø Education facilities – Both school and professional colleges for children

Ø AWWA hostel for girls in metros

Ø Army ensures your physical and mental health.

Ø (Quality of life ensured not only for officers, but also families.


12. Variety and adventure are the spice and romance of life. No profession has the kind of recreational and adventure facilities to offer as the Army does; from membership of the best clubs in country to horse riding, swimming, golfing, mountaineering, trekking and sailing. Posting to exotic stations gives one an opportunity to see India and its different cultures, in all its vivid glory. You may also get a chance to go abroad on course or on posting. So, if one is looking for a profession, which goes beyond being a mere job, accept the challenge and join the Indian Army.


13. The Army affords a very open, impartial and transparent avenue for professional enhancement. For a professionally dedicated officer with sincerity and dedication, the sky is the limit. Salient aspects of professional enhancement are as follows:-

Ø Opportunity for higher study in prestigious institutions both in India and abroad

Ø Deputation in various scientific institutions in the country including DRDO, DGQA, LRDE, BEL, ITI and host of others

Ø Foreign assignments in the UNO and Indian embassies/missions

Ø Foreign assignments in connection with the procurement of advanced technology and weaponry and training to handle and maintain the same

Ø Promotions solely based on capability and free of any extraneous consideration



14. All of us have our own opinion about what constitutes “social status”. However it is an undisputed fact that the status of a ‘warrior’ has stood the test of time. History and society have both held the soldier in esteem and offered him a unique status in society. By joining the Army, one becomes a member of an exclusive and elite brotherhood, which is the envy of one and all.


15. Even after laying down the uniform, Army officers continue to have the status of the most respected citizens of our country. This added to their ingrained code of conduct and ethical values enable them to occupy a special social niche in society. Since he is much fitter due to the active lifestyle he has led, a second career or lateral absorption in parallel employment is always eminently feasible. His do or die attitude and mental agility ensures that he never really grows into old age, but continues to contribute and thus remain a valued member of society.


16. There are a number of ways in which one could get a commission in the Army. You can join right after school or after graduation. The selection procedures are impartial, objective and are uniformly applied to one and all and have only one aim – to “select the best”.

TYPES OF COMMISSION17. The Army offers both permanent and short service commissions. Permanent commission (PC) is granted through the Indian Military Academy (IMA) Dehradun and Short Service Commission (SSC) is granted through Officers Training Academy (OTA) Chennai. When you opt for ‘PC’, you are basically looking at a permanent career in the Army, a career till you retire. SSC is a wonderful option for all those of you who aspire to serve it for a few years. It gives you the option of joining the Army, and serving it as a commissioned officer for five years. Once your tenure is over, you are allowed to opt for PC. Alternatively, you can also ask for a five years extension and can choose to resign from your post any time during this period.











18. Details of eligibility criteria duration and venue of training and other information is freely available through news papers or may be obtained from The following telephone numbers may also be contacted. (011) 26173215, 26175473, 26172861.


19. With the SSC, one has the best of both worlds. Even as it gives one the privileges and benefits of a full-fledged commission, one will be imbibing qualities that will make him an invaluable asset to any organization that he/she may join after the Army, analytical thinking skills, planning ability, administrative prowess and organizational talent. At the end of the day, it will train you to become a good leader and a successful manager.


20. At the Standard XI and XII level, those of you who have opted for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and achieve an aggregate of 70 percent and above, can immediately apply further 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme. The Army will then, over the course of next five years arm you with as engineering degree and also commission you as an officer on completion of four years of training, all free of cost.

21. However on successful completion of Standard XII, everyone is eligible to apply for entry to the National Defence Academy through an entrance examination held twice every year. For the Air Force and Navy stream the applicant must have studied Mathematics and Chemistry as subjects during the 10+2 stage.

22. If you are planning to pursue an engineering degree, and have not yet made up your mind, you can still be commissioned in the Army directly as regular on Short Service Commissioned officers, while enjoying ante date seniority of two years and earning full salary in the last one year of your training.

23. For those who qualify the written test and others, as applicable to them, will have to undergo the Services Selection Board. This is one of the most scientifically designed selection tool available, and has stood the test of time. The list of eminent personalities who could not clear the SSB, but then went on to rise to the very top of their profession is legion and reads like a veritable ‘who’s who’ of our country. This just goes to show that the SSB is an adventure worth undertaking. The schedule is as given above in the same website.

CHOICE OF ARMS AND SERVICES24. Just prior to being commissioned as officers, cadets are asked their choice of Arms. The major fighting arms are the Armored Corps, the Infantry, and the Artillery, with the other supporting them in battle. All arms and services are equally vital to success in battle and individual choices are generally governed by parental choice, educational qualification or plain fascination for a certain way of life. However at the end of the day the Army promises immense satisfaction to each one of its warriors.


25. The Army provides lifetime opportunities to professionals like Doctors, Nurse, Engineers, Lawyers, and Teachers. Commissioned into the various Corps, one can pursue his or her passion to your heart’s content. An excellent infrastructure, dedicated support staff, and healthy environment provide unlimited growth. The Army invests heavily in human and technical resources. The latest and the best tools are made available for research and employment. Periodic forays into the academic world are encouraged in order to imbibe and practice current technology in your chosen field.


26. Training is a judicious mix of technical, military and managerial instruction, in top class institutions run by the Army and a host of other prestigious institutes and establishments including IITs and DRDO. In accordance with the training received, proficiency acquired and aptitude shown, one gets posted on a variety of regimental, staff, or instructional appointments in organizations throughout the country. Additionally officers proceed on deputation to various organizations and foreign appointments.

27. Unlike in a civil environment where a posting means virtual uprooting of a household and starting a fresh new station, in the Army it is merely a change of scene. With more and more stations falling under the purview of peace stations and with better infrastructure facilities coming up even in small stations, the pangs of moving are speedily easing up.


28. Here it would be apt to reiterate – That all professions serve our motherland – but none of them is in the same league as the Indian Army – for this is the only profession which affords you the opportunity to live up to these stirring lines.








Indian Army Recruitment at Palakkad from April 4,2015

The Indian Army Recruiting Office is going to conduct open recruitment rallies at Palakkad in Kerala from 4 April to13 April 2015. The Army recruitment would be for Soldier General Duty (GD), Soldier Technical, Soldier Clerk, Soldier Tradesmen (TDN), Soldier Nursing Assistant, Soldier Store Keeper Technical. The venue of the Indian Army recruitment rally Palakkad 2015 will be Govt. Victoria College Ground

The recruitment rally will be organised for male candidates from Kannur, Kasaragod, Kozhikode, Thrissur, Palakkad, Wayanad, Malappuram, and the Union Territories of Mahe and Lakshadweep.

Indian Army Recruitment Rally Palakkad, Kerala Details:

Name Of the Post :
Soldier General Duty (GD)
Soldier Technical
Soldier Clerk
Soldier Tradesmen (TDN)
Soldier Nursing Assistant
Soldier Store Keeper Technical

Venue : Govt. Victoria College Ground, Palakkad

Rally Dates : 4th April 2015 to 13th April 2015

Age Limit :

Soldier (General Duty) : 17 ½ – 21 Yrs
Soldier (Technical) , Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper, Soldier Tradesman, Nursing Assistant : 17 ½ – 23 Yrs

Educational Qualification :

Candidate who wish to appear in recruitment rally should be 10th Passed for Soldier (General Duty), Soldier Tradesman posts and should be 12th Passed for Soldier (Technical), Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper :

Physical measurements:
Height :
Soldier (General Duty) and Tradesmen: 166
Nursing Assistant & Technical : 165
Clerk & Store Keeper : 162
Chest : 77 cms with 5cm expansion

Weight : 50 kg

Selection Process :

Candidates will be Selected on basis of the physical test, medical examination and written examination. Process of screening include :
Checking of documents.
Physical measurements.
Physical fitness test.
Medical examination.
Written examination.
Preparation of merit list.
Enrollment and Dispatch of selected candidates according to merit to Centers.

Procedure to Apply :Candidate who wish to appear in recruitment rally should bring the following original documents with attested three photostat copies of each document :
10th Class date of birth certificate.
10th/ +2 marks sheet.
NCC Certificate (A/B/C Certificate).
Domicile Certificate.
Certificate of Outstanding sportsmen.
Caste Certificate.
Character Certificate to be signed by village Sarpanch
Dependent Certificate (in case of son of Ex-servicemen/ War Widow/Widow) signed by record office.

Note : Candidate who wish to appear in rally should report at 2.00 PM on the day before the recruitment rally at rally venue.

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The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) (Hindi:केंद्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल) is the largest of India's Central Armed Police Forces. It functions under the aegis of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) of the Government of India. The CRPF's primary role lies in assisting the State/Union Territories in police operations to maintain law and order and counter insurgency. It came into existence as the Crown Representative's Police on 27 July 1939. After Indian Independence, it became the Central Reserve Police Force on enactment of the CRPF Act on 28 December 1949.

Besides Law and Order and counter-insurgency duties, the role of CRPF in the General Elections, held repeatedly during the past few years, has been very significant and vital. This is especially true for the trouble-ridden states of J&K, Bihar and in the North East. During the Parliamentary elections of September 1999, the CRPF played a major role in the security arrangements. Of late, CRPF contingents are also being deployed in UN missions.

With 230 battalions[1] and various other establishments, the CRPF is considered India's largest paramilitary force .[2]