Monday 2 February 2015

Indian Army Commando Entry


Medical & Fitness Requirements
Other Ranks (Non Technical)

Service as a Commando in Australia's Special
Forces is physically and mentally demanding and
requires a high level of individual robustness,
strength and endurance. Therefore, you must be
medically and physically fit and psychologically
suitable to undertake Special Forces selection and
reinforcement training.

Your medical fitness will be assessed by
a doctor, prior to enlistment. This assessment will
require you to complete an extensive
questionnaire covering your medical history and it
will be followed by a comprehensive physical

You will also be required to successfully
pass a Special Forces Pre-Fitness Assessment
(PFA) before enlistment. This PFA requires you to
achieve a higher standard than the general entry
fitness level for the Army. You must be able to
Beep test (shuttle run) to level 10.1;
30 push ups; and
60 sit-ups.
The above PFA describes the minimum standard
for enlistment as a potential Commando
candidate, however, a much higher level of
physical fitness will be required to successfully
complete the Commando Selection and Training
Course. The most suitable candidates for
Commando training are those who regularly
participate in arduous work, team or individual
sports, individual or group fitness activities or
outdoors-adventurous pursuits.
Prior to enlistment, your
psychological suitability will be assessed by a
psychologist. This assessment will require you to
complete a series of questionnaires and a
comprehensive interview.

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